The James Hutton Institute logoThe James Hutton Institute

This page is no longer updated. The Macaulay Land Use Research Institute joined forces with SCRI joined forces on 1 April 2011 to create The James Hutton Institute. Please visit the James Hutton Institute website.

waves - about_3dee

3 Dee Vision Objectives

3 Dee Vision has a number of objectives, both in terms of practical environmental improvements in the Dee catchment and of piloting the process required to deliver the Water Framework Directive (WFD):

  • Help anticipate the implementation requirements of the WFD
  • Demonstrate integration of Dee Catchment Management Plan with WFD requirements
  • Demonstrate a range of best practices to improve water quality and habitat
  • Consult and engage with local communities and stakeholders
  • Encourage inter-agency working for improved integrated catchment management and successful implementation of WFD.

To find out more about the specific objectives for each of the sub-catchments, follow the links below:

Environmental Monitoring
The invertebrate populations living in an area of river bed give a good indication of localised water quality.