Environment and Money Saving Tips for Businesses
Whatever your business, all commercial organisations use water, energy and resources. Identifying and minimising waste throughout the processes you use will not only benefit your organisation financially but bring environmental benefits too.
There are some basic steps that could help your business to manage water and wastewater services and costs more effectively. Visit the Scottish Water website for guidance on how to draw up a water management plan, how to check for leaks plus suggestions for more efficient water usage.
Inefficient energy consumption can be a major impact on your profit margins and yet your energy bill could reduced by up to 20% through simple no/low-cost measures.
Visit the Scottish Energy Efficiency Office website for practical advice on how to save energy and reduce your Climate Change Levy tax. You can also arrange for a free site visit from an energy efficiency adviser.
Waste is an inefficient use of resources. You could save around 1% of your turnover by introducing a systematic waste minimisation programme.
Envirowise is a government funded programme which has been set up to offer UK businesses free, independent, confidential advice and support on practical ways to increase profits, minimise waste and reduce environmental impact. The services offered are flexible and you may find a number of ways in which your business can benefit, whether it be through the Environment and Energy Helpline, an on site FastTrack visit, leaflets and CD ROMS or free workshops.
For more information on how to reduce waste production and resource consumption whilst increasing profits, visit:
Environmental Legislation
If you are a small business in need of help to navigate through the maze of environmental legislation, visit the NetRegs website. The site provides guidance on how to comply with environmental law as well as advice on good environmental practice.
A range of leaflets have been produced by Scottish Water to help businesses minimise the risk of pollution from their property. Depending on your type of business, you may find one of the following useful:
- Above ground oil storage
- Pollution and blockages from commercial kitchens
- Storage of oils and chemicals
Have you heard of Vision in Business for the Environment (VIBES)? This annual award is open to any organisation operating in Scotland and aims to recognise and reward business success achieved by improved environmental performance.